Sitemap - 2021 - Converging Dialogues

#100 - In the Shadow of Vietnam: A Dialogue with Mark Atwood Lawrence

#99 - Time of the Magicians: A Dialogue with Wolfram Eilenberger

#98 - Puzzling Wonders of Evolution: A Dialogue with Kenneth Catania

#97 - The Neuroscience of Psychotherapeutic Change: A Dialogue with Richard Lane

#96 - The Complicated Utility of Anger and Shame: A Dialogue with Owen Flanagan

#95 - The History of Human Emotions: A Dialogue with Richard Firth-Godbehere

#94 - The Neuroscientific and Philosophical Landscape of Self-Regulation: A Dialogue with Stuart Shanker

#93 - 500 Million Years of Cephalopods: A Dialogue with Danna Staaf

#92 - Is There A Way Out of Toxic Polarization?: A Dialogue with Peter Coleman

#91 - German Idealism: The Philosophies of Kant and Fichte: A Dialogue with Gabriel Gottlieb

#90 - Sovereignty: A Most Presumptuous Claim: A Dialogue with Peter Russell

#89 - The Macabre Pleasures of Morbid Curiosity: A Dialogue with Coltan Scrivner

#88 - Life in the Arctic Tundra: A Dialogue with Laura Galloway

#87 - The End of Trauma: A Dialogue with George Bonanno

#86 - A History of Maternal-Fetal Effects: A Dialogue with Sarah Richardson

#85 - Earth: The Annals of Our Home: A Dialogue with Henry Gee

#84 - The Phenomenological Materialism of Hannah Arendt: A Dialogue with Samantha Rose Hill

#83 - The Pleasures of Suffering: A Dialogue with Paul Bloom

#82 - The Gene‘s-Eye View of Evolution: A Dialogue with Arvid Ågren

#81 - Media‘s Gentrification of the Working Class: A Dialogue with Batya Ungar-Sargon

#80 - Wrestling With Our Social Taboos: A Dialogue with Charles Murray

#79 - Plagues Upon The Earth: A Dialogue with Kyle Harper

#78 - Nuanced Feminism in Modern Times: A Dialogue with Kat Rosenfield

#77 - Balanced and Healthy Group Identities: A Dialogue with Dominic Packer

#76 - The Evolving Complexities of Higher Education: A Dialogue with Nicole Barbaro

#75 - Social Implications of Our Genetic Lottery: A Dialogue with Kathryn Paige Harden

#74 - Whales: The Mysterious Giants of the Ocean: A Dialogue with Nick Pyenson

#73 - The Evolution of Beauty: A Dialogue with Richard Prum

#72 - Let‘s Talk About Sex(ual Arousal, Desire, & Disgust): A Dialogue with Courtney Crosby

#71 - The Fiscal Legacy of Calvin Coolidge: A Dialogue with Amity Shlaes

#70 - A Conservative Case for Liberal Education: A Dialogue with Jonathan Marks

#69 - Jungles: Our Fading Home: A Dialogue with Patrick Roberts

#68 - Uncovering the Inner Experience of Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A Dialogue with Shioma-Lei Craythorne

#67 - Zealous Search for Truth in Documentary Filmmaking: A Dialogue with Nadia Gill

#66 - Testosterone: Understanding Without Judgment: A Dialogue with Carole Hooven

#65 - A Balanced Black History in Education: A Dialogue with Charles Love

#64 - Lifting the Veil of Islam: A Dialogue with Yasmine Mohammed

#63 - The Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas: A Dialogue with Simon Critchley

#62 - De-Stigmatizing Mental Illness: A Dialogue with Lucy Foulkes

#61 - Can Evolution Explain Morality?: A Dialogue with Allen Buchanan

#60 - The Self-Conscious Emotion of Shame: A Dialogue with June Tangney

#59 - Genetic Balancing of Nature and Nurture: A Dialogue with Kevin Mitchell

#58 - Suicide: The Most Known Unknown: A Dialogue with Kathryn Gordon

#57 - The Emotional Lives of Black Women: A Dialogue with Inger Burnett-Zeigler

#56 - A Defense Against Illiberalism: A Dialogue with Jonathan Rauch

#55 - Evolve & Restart: A Dialogue with Luis Lopez-Portillo

#54 - Can We Have An Ethical Artificial Intelligence?: A Dialogue with Alentina Vardanyan

#53 - Starmanning and Superman: A Dialogue with Angel Eduardo + Guests

#52 - Menopause: A Cultural Syndrome? - A Dialogue with Susan Mattern

#51 - The WEIRDest People in the World: A Dialogue with Joseph Henrich

#50 - The Phenomenology of Soren Kierkegaard: A Dialogue with Amber Bowen

#49 - The Self-Conscious Emotion of Pride: A Dialogue with Jessica Tracy

#48 - Our Social Instinct for Cooperation: A Dialogue with Nichola Raihani

#47 - Evolution Misconceptions and the Myers Briggs: A Dialogue with Laith Al-Shawaf

#46 - The Humanism of Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy: A Dialogue with Paul Grant & Ellen Inverso

#45 - Walking Upright: The Importance of Bipedalism: A Dialogue with Jeremy DeSilva

#44 - The Mathematical Power of Neuroscience: A Dialogue with Grace Lindsay

#43 - Feminist Existentialism: A Dialogue with Talia Welsh

#42 - The Dark Side of Sexual Evolution: A Dialogue with David Buss

#41 - Source Bias, Trustworthiness, and Persuasion: A Dialogue with Laura Wallace

#40 - Applied Phenomenology: Hegel, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty: A Dialogue with John Russon

#39 - The Impact of Parenthood and Divorce: A Dialogue with Manon Van Scheppingen

#38 - Education: A School Psychology Perspective: A Dialogue with Jessica Koehler

#37 - Cognition, Consciousness, and Cephalopods: A Dialogue with Alex Schnell

#36 - The Evolution of Modern-Day Conservatism: A Dialogue with Rick Perlstein

#35 - Understanding Moral Extremism: A Dialogue With Spencer Case

#34 - A More Person-Centered Journalism: A Dialogue With Monica Guzman

#33 - Leaving Race Behind: A Dialogue with Thomas Chatterton Williams

#32 - COVID-19: The Malady of Our Time: A Dialogue with Nicholas Christakis

#31- Crisis! The Current State of the Social Sciences: A Dialogue with Lee Jussim

#30 - The Hidden Source of Consciousness: A Dialogue with Mark Solms

#29 - Video Games, Madness, and Our Society: A Dialogue with Christopher Ferguson

#28 - Genetics, Race, and Populations: A Dialogue with Razib Khan

#27 - Mixed Race Identity and Pragmatic Conservatism: A Dialogue with John Wood Jr.

#26 - Getting Personal with Nietzsche and Heidegger: A Dialogue with David Hoinski

#25 - Postmodernism, Phenomenology, and Lived Experiences: A Dialogue with Bret Alderman

#24 - Deserts: Free Will and Moral Responsibility: A Dialogue with Gregg Caruso

#23 - The Underrated Magnum Opus of George Washington: A Dialogue with Lindsay Chervinsky

#22 - Statistical Value of Personality: A Dialogue with Allie Choate

#21 - Evidence-Based Treatments and Elimination Disorders: A Dialogue with Camilo Ortiz

#20 - The Phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty: A Dialogue with Talia Welsh

#19 - The Labyrinth of Attachment Theory: A Dialogue with Nicole Barbaro

#18 - The Audacity of Race Data: A Dialogue with Wilfred Reilly

#17 - Fire and Vultures: A Dialogue with Iona Italia

#16 - Pragmatic Conservatism or Classical Liberalism: A Dialogue Between Bo Winegard and Nicholas Wolfinger

#15 - Marriage, Divorce, and Single Motherhood: A Dialogue with Nicholas Wolfinger

#14 - Nietzsche Contra Freud: Towards A Nietzschean Psychology: A Dialogue with Tyler VanOstrand

#13 - Philosophy As An Attitude: A Dialogue with Sanjana Rajagopal

#12 - Stress, Psychology, and Self-Help: A Dialogue with Simona Efanov

#11 - Important Enough To Refute: A Dialogue with Stephen Clouse