#268 - An Evolutionary Journey of Free Will: A Dialogue with Kevin Mitchell
Listen now | In this episode, Xavier Bonilla has a dialogue with Kevin Mitchell about the evolutionary story of free will. They discuss why biology and genetics help understand free will, different levels of determinism, reacting vs. choosing at the cellular level, and choice with ion channels in the cell. They also discuss dimensions of free will, vision and choice, decision making at cortical levels of the brain, creativity, and metacognition. They engage on personality theories, notion of the self, AI and free will, and many more topics.
#268 - An Evolutionary Journey of Free Will: A Dialogue with Kevin Mitchell
#268 - An Evolutionary Journey of Free Will…
#268 - An Evolutionary Journey of Free Will: A Dialogue with Kevin Mitchell
Listen now | In this episode, Xavier Bonilla has a dialogue with Kevin Mitchell about the evolutionary story of free will. They discuss why biology and genetics help understand free will, different levels of determinism, reacting vs. choosing at the cellular level, and choice with ion channels in the cell. They also discuss dimensions of free will, vision and choice, decision making at cortical levels of the brain, creativity, and metacognition. They engage on personality theories, notion of the self, AI and free will, and many more topics.